est. 1971
TLA Membership
What is the TLA?
The Texas Limousin Association is the state organization for the Limousin breed. It was founded in 1971 as a non-profit organization operated by its membership for the members. The primary purpose of the TLA is the promotion, improvement, and marketing of Limousin cattle to the benefit of all its members. The TLA represents breeders from Texas and eight other states.
why join the TLA?
Members, through the association’s board of directors and participation in the annual membership meeting, establish rules and policies that govern the organization.
The TLA engages in a full range of breed association functions and service-oriented activities that center in the areas of breed promotion and improvements, shows, marketing, research, and support of junior activities.
Members of the TLA receive the association’s official publication, the TEXAS LIMOUSIN NEWS. Through this publication, members are kept up-to-date on shows, sales, field days, and other important events of interest to Limousin breeders and cattlemen in general.
Members benefit from a communications department that aids in telling the breed story and introducing cattlemen to its many attributes. The main objectives are to provide educational literature and information on the breed and to promote the association and breed through an innovative promotional and marketing program.
The TLA is a major supporter of livestock shows in the state in the form of premium monies and special awards at numerous open and junior Limousin heifer and steer shows. In conjunction with the TJLA, the TLA aids in the support of a summer junior field day and other junior activities.
The TLA sponsors many consignment sales throughout the state to aid and provide its membership with additional outlets in which to market their Limousin cattle.