Due to the cancellation of the Fort Worth Livestock Show, the Texas Limousin Association has moved the Lone Star Shoot-Out Show to the San Angelo Livestock Show in 2021.
The shoot-out show will be held thirty minutes after the conclusion of the junior heifer show in San Angelo on Friday, February 12, 2021. During the show, the TLA will also announce and award the 2020 Heifer of the Year.
All heifers shown in the TLA Lone Star Shoot-Out show must also show in the San Angelo Livestock Show junior heifer show. The TJLA will also host a member meeting on February 11 at 6 pm at the show fairgrounds.
“The shoot-out show is a great way for juniors to get involved with the Limousin breed and win some money to put back into their heifers,” said Matt Chachere, TLA President.
The Lone Star Shoot-Out is exclusively made for Limousin breeders and exhibitors. Each year, TLA breeders will nominate either their whole herd or select heifers to be eligible to show in the shoot-out. All nomination fees and entry fees will then go into a pot to be dispersed among the exhibitors who participate in the Lone Star Shoot-Out and every exhibitor walks away with a check. The 2019 shoot-out show paid out over $10,000 to junior exhibitors.
Along with moving the shoot-out show to San Angelo, the TLA will also award a $500 scholarship to the Limousin breed champion during the San Angelo junior heifer show. To be eligible for the scholarship, juniors must be members of the TJLA and their parents must be members of the TLA.
The San Angelo livestock show will also be added to the TJLA Showmanship contest for 2021.
To participate in the shoot-out show, breeders must be TLA members and exhibitors must be TJLA members. To pre-pay for your 2021 membership fees, visit https://www.texaslimousin.com/online-payments.
Breeder entry forms for the Lone Star Shoot-Out show are due on November 23, 2020. Breeders can find the entry form at https://72f216f3-c73a-443a-a7f0-3741d76e0455.filesusr.com/ugd/f83fb6_6eb334cf763e4b869a393b3125656e51.pdf.
Exhibitor entry forms are due December 1, 2020 and can be found at https://72f216f3-c73a-443a-a7f0-3741d76e0455.filesusr.com/ugd/f83fb6_02574739940e45c6a89f45b9bb0a5b6b.pdf.
For more information on the Lone Star Shoot-Out Show, please visit https://www.texaslimousin.com/lone-star-shoot-out.
Leighton Chachere, TLA Executive Secretary; 806-500-8785; texaslimousin@gmail.com