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TJLA Field Day

May 31 - June 2, 2024

Waxahachie, Texas
Ellis County Fairground

Satellite events will follow NALJA rules found here

Field Day schedule

Friday, May 31

8 am: Cattle may begin arriving 

5 - 7 pm: Check in 

7 pm: Linda Baber Family Fun Night 


Saturday, June 1

8-9 am: Satellite Event Registration

9 am: Jr. Nationals Planning Meeting 

11 am: Bred & Owned Heifer Show, Bred & Owned Bull Show 

12 pm: Lunch at the Barn

1:30 pm: Showmanship Contest 

3:30 pm: Public Speaking

4:30 pm: Quiz Bowl

5:30 pm: TJLA Officer/Director Meeting 

6:00 pm: Texas Limousin Association Member Meeting

7 pm: TJLA Dinner & Awards Banquet followed by Dance


Sunday, June 2

8 am: Breakfast at the Barn 

8:30 am: Church Service 

9 am: Steer Show, Owned Lim-Flex Heifers, Owned Limousin Heifers

12 pm: Lunch at the barn 



Field Day Rules & Regulations

1. Sponsor and Eligibility: 

The Texas Junior Limousin Association (TJLA) Sponsors the Texas Junior Field Day, and is open to all TJLA members. No one who was 22 years or older on Jan. 1, 2024 is eligible to show. Exhibitors must be current with their TJLA dues. Anyone who wishes to participate in the Field Day must be a TJLA member when submitting entries.


2. Animal Qualifications:


A) Females: Females with 75 percent or greater Limousin blood and orange NALF registration papers born from May 1, 2022 to January 31, 2024, will be eligible to compete in the Limousin female show. Females registered as Lim-Flex (that is, having purple NALF registration certificates) born from May 1, 2022 to January 31, 2024, will be eligible to compete.


B) Bulls: All bulls entered must be bred-and-owned. Bulls Registered as Lim-Flex (that is, having purple NALF registration certificates) and bulls with 75% or greater Limousin blood (orange papers) born from Jan. 1, 2023 to January 31, 2024, will be eligible to compete in the bred-and-owned bull show.


C) Cow/Calf Pairs: A cow born on or before April 31, 2022 with a natural calf at side is eligible to show in the Cow-Calf Division. Purebred and Lim-Flex Pairs will show together. Calves on the side of cows must be born after November 1, 2023. Calves are eligible to show in the heifer show if they are born prior to January 31, 2024. Bulls must be bred and owned to be eligible to show as individuals.


D) Steers: Steers that qualify for registration with NALF as a percentage purebred or Lim-Flex will be eligible for the steer show. Exhibitors must present Registration certificates at check-in. Show officials will break classes by weight. No steer weighing over 900 lbs will be eligible to show.


3. Entry Limit:

There is no limit on how many animals an exhibitor may enter and show.


4. Entries:

Junior exhibitors must register their animals in their own names, with certificates dated on or before May 15, 2024. Exhibitors must submit entries to the TLA office on official entry forms, bearing official U.S. postmarks of no later than May 15, 2024, to qualify for the $50 per head entry fee. Entries postmarked after May 15, 2024 are subject to a late fee of $75 per head.


5. Bred-and-Owned:

Lim-Flex and Purebred bred & owned will show together. To show in the bred-and-owned show, the female’s or bull’s tattoo must include the junior exhibitor’s herd prefix; and the female’s or bull’s dam must have been registered to the junior exhibitor at the time the dam was bred to produce the animal. Embryo-transplant (ET) calves are eligible for the bred-and owned show; however, the donor female must have been registered to the junior exhibitor at the time she was flushed to produce the animal. The family’s prefix in the female’s or bull’s tattoo or family ownership of the dam at breeding does not qualify for the bred-and-owned show. No animals from partnership or lease agreement cows qualify. Juniors may sell no more than 50 percent ownership of a bred and-owned bull and still be eligible to compete with him in the bred-and-owned bull show. The exhibitor must keep full possession of that bull. All other bred-and- owned rules apply.


6. Fitting:

Show will be a blow and go. Show Sheen is allowed. Any use of adhesives, paints, hair coloring, colored show foam, graphite, colored powders or other substances that may be subject to disqualification. No stomach pumping or artificial filling. The addition of any hair or hair like substances, including false tail heads and false polls is prohibited. The cutting, tearing or gluing of the hide or underneath the hide or removal of tissue in an attempt to alter the animal’s shape, or the injection of any gas, solid or liquid under the hide to alter the animal’s conformation will result in disqualification. Any products such as steroids or growth stimulants, administered internally or externally to alter the animal’s conformation is prohibited.


7. Bedding:

More info to come. 


8. Stalling:

Stalling will be on a first-come first serve basis after 8:00 am on May 31. There are no tie-outs available.


9. Showmanship: 

Novice, Junior, and Intermediate Individuals who have won their division in previous years must advance and compete at an older division.


10. Age Divisions Are as Follows (as of January 1, 2024):

Novice: 5—9 Junior: 10 – 13 Intermediate: 14-16 Senior: 17 -21


11. Classes:

Show officials will determine classes after check-in. Owned Heifers and Owned Lim Flex Heifers will have predetermined divisions. Show officials will make every effort to ensure no class contains more than 10 head or has an age spread of more than 90 days. All classes will line up according to age in the show arena.


Owned Heifers and Owned Lim Flex Heifers Division Breaks:

Division 1: 9/1/23 to 1/31/24

Division 2: 5/1/23 to 8/31/23 

Division 3: 1/1/23 to 4/30/23 

Division 4: 5/1/22 to 12/31/22

Cow Calf

Grand Champion

Reserve Champion


12. Protests:

Protests must be made in writing by two or more TLA or TJLA members; a $50 deposit must accompany the protest and be delivered to an officer of the TLA prior to conclusion of show. Exhibitors at the TJLA Field Day agree that any animal entered in this show may be subject to a DNA test to verify accuracy of parentage. Collection of DNA will be done by a non-partisan individual designated by the Association.




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